Friday, October 25, 2013

Rest . . .

"By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work.  And God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done."  Genesis 2:2-3

I can totally relate.  Rest.  I am longing for it.  I am craving it.  Rest for my tired mind.  Rest for a tense body.  Rest for a wounded soul that has spent countless hours listing, counseling, advising and grieving for other wounded souls.  After weeks like this, all I want to do on this Friday is rest.

"Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy.  Six days you shall labor and do all your work,  but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the LORD your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your manservant or maidservant, nor your animals, nor the alien within your gates."  Exodus 20:8-10

I am longing to be in the House of our Lord!  With all that Jason and I have had going on of late, we have missed worship with our church family.  This Sunday, we will be able to worship together, as a family and with our church family, before Jason is off for his next round of training.  We are so looking forward to Sunday.

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."  Matthew 11:28

On this weekend, I am looking forward to clearing my mind and laying my burdens at my Savior's feet.  I a looking forward to resting, physically and mentally, enjoying the company and companionship of my wonderful husband before he has to be away from home.  This weekend and every weekend, I pray for peace, solitude, comfort, happiness and rest, for myself, my family and all of you.  If there are things that weigh heavy on you as they do on me after tough weeks, I pray that you know who to take your burdens to and that you too will find the peace and comfort that I have found.

Enjoy your weekend everyone, and REST!!

Friday, October 18, 2013

Fridays. . .

As someone who deeply desires to be a mom, Fridays can be tough on me.  I guess that is because Fridays always seemed so magical to me as a child.  Fridays meant sleepovers with friends, junk food, pizza, popcorn, the TGIF line up on ABC, movies, staying up late, giggling, football, fun and so much more.  You can often find me at some point on a Friday wandering the isles of Wal Mart or the grocery store with a cart full of chips, cookies, brownie mix, soda and goodies, all the while reminiscing about all of my fun childhood Friday nights.  When you see children with their parents, it is almost electric; that renewed energy you find now that the work and school week are over and you have two and a half days of rest and relaxation.  Responsibilities are gone and you can just let loose, be silly and have fun.

Fall Fridays are especially tough.  Now you add in the Pumpkin Patch, hayrides, bonfires, fairs, fall festivals, hot chocolate, pumpkin carvings and on and on.  Jason and I do our best to participate in all that we can, make our own traditions and memories, and enjoy the season.  But let's be honest, there is only so much we can do.  We love the Pumpkin Patch, but it is a little odd for us to be there not having a child.  This is just once example of many.  Most times we don't mind being the creepy old couple doing things that we enjoy, but sometimes it just gets to us.

I long to have brownies made on Friday afternoons as my child/children come home from school.  I long for pizza parties and sleepovers.  I can't wait to have a car load of kids loaded up and headed skating, to the movies, bowling, anywhere!  My childhood was magical in my mind.  My mom was good at the fun Friday stuff.  I had friends that we were always together on the weekends.  As I got older, that turned into high school football and cheerleading.  I long to help my son or daughter get ready for their games, whatever they may be doing.  I just know that I will be good at the fun Friday stuff too and seeing it going on all around me is such a bittersweet thing.  I am happy to see the wonder and excitement on the faces of children and know that Fridays are special in their hearts and minds too.  But my heart breaks and aches a little too.  It longs for those Fridays that I haven't had yet.  Those Fridays where I chase my toddler through piles of leaves, those Fridays where we stay up late to watch silly movies, those Fridays where we eat pizza, popcorn and junk food until we can't anymore.  I know parenthood is so much more than just Friday nights.  It's 24/7 hard work, the best full time job we can ever have.  I just sometimes cannot wait to be hired!!

Happy Fall Friday Y'all!!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

What's going on lately . . .

Well, as most of you may have seen on Facebook, we have some exciting things on the horizon!

First,  Jason is set the end of October to go for his final training for his new position at work.  This is huge, because once he completes this, he will be a full certified bomb technician.  We also thought that he would have to wait until after the first of the year for this training, but it will really be a HUGE blessing that he gets to go now and get this behind him.  He will graduate December 6 and we are really looking forward to having some major down time during the holidays!!

All of this is contingent upon the government shutdown being resolved by October 21.  So if you were not already in prayer for our county and government, please start praying now!!

Next,  I will be going with a group from my law school December 2 to Washington, DC to be sworn in before the United States Supreme Court.  This is a huge honor and something I never would have imagined would that I would get to do or participate in.  Jason will be going with me and we will get to spend a few days in Washington together.  This is a first trip for both of us, so we are super excited!!  Of course, this also hinges partly on what is going on with the government shut down.

I have made the decision and commitment to participate in the Mercedes Half Marathon in February 2014.  This is a huge decision for me, as I am not professing to be a serious runner at all.  Thanks to a sweet friend, I have a training plan and I am going to do my best to fit it in our busy schedule to train for this.  Regardless, I am going to keep running and at this point, my goal is to finish.  I haven't really set a time goal for this yet, but I will as it gets closer to time.

Between work, home, running, and other obligations, Jason and I have literally been passing each other as we run here and there.  We both have more going on with work than we know what to do.  This week, I got the opportunity to meet with a sweet family going through a very trying time.  I share this with all of you to lift this family up in prayer, as I am doing.  The parents met with me to talk about their teenage daughter who is pregnant.  Their daughter is not in a serious relationship with the father of the baby and he is considerably older than their daughter.  Pray for me as I advise the family on legal issues and attempt to get them the spiritual guidance they all need.  They are good Christian people and have a good outlook, but this is extremely difficult for everyone involved.

As you all know, this is a heart wrenching topic for me.  I shared with the family my own personal struggles with fertility and my personal walk with God.  It is difficult to work through my own issues as I try to help this precious family work through theirs.  Please be in prayer for me, that God will use me to work in the lives of this family and that God will comfort me as I do so.  I know that this is not just about this family, it is somewhat about me too.  Pray for me that I will see what God is trying to show me, learn what God is trying to teach me and be molded into the person God wants me to be through this experience.