Thursday, May 30, 2013

You Belong To Me . . . .

If you have ever owned a dog, you know how difficult it can be getting them used to wearing a collar.  All the incessant scratching, clawing and pulling, plus that funny little chasing their own tail thing they do to get a better look at it.  Then there is the whole added difficulty getting them used to a leash!

Well, all three of my fur babies have grown into loving their collars.  It took time, but they each have such pride about having their collars on.  Dixie, of course, has a pink collar.  Pink and white houndstooth, to be exact.  Bo has always had a red collar and leash.  The red is such a pretty color on his chocolate fur.  We picked green for Dusty, because green looks good with his blonde coat and green is Jason's favorite color.  Each puppy has a name tag on their collar with their name on one side and mine and Jason's contact information on the other.  If you can believe it, they actually act a little lost when they don't have their collars on.  Generally, it means they are getting a bath.

Just earlier this week, after I had given each of them their bath, I began the process of getting their collars back on them.  They each in turn would stretch their neck out long and hold very still without being told to.  They wait patiently as I fasten the collar around each neck and then proudly beam, holding heads high and shaking to hear their tags jingle.  It is as if they are saying to me, "Thank you mommy!  I belong to you and you belong to me!  I'm wearing my ownership papers around my neck."

I always think of Lady from Lady and the Tramp and the scene where Lady gets her collar.  I found it on You Tube and have included it in the post today for your enjoyment.  I can almost see that same joy and pride in my babies eyes each time I put their collar on.

This is just one of the many forms of unconditional love that animals can bring to your life.  No matter what has happened in a day or how difficult it has been, knowing that when you walk in the door to your home, those big loving eyes and wagging tail will be waiting to greet you saying, "There you are!!  I am so happy to see you!! YOU belong to me!!"

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